The Pure Spiritual Science
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attaining liberation and the spiritual world, whence l 'We don't have to go back to the material world. This is the fruit of knowledge. Its purpose is to see distinctly that, by some accident, we have fallen to the level of material existence. Following personal efforts and in contact with the holy scriptures, holy men as well as an authentic spiritual master servant of God, making all authorities in the matter, we must know our position, then, enlightened by the Divine Word such that given by God in person, come back to spiritual consciousness, the consciousness of God. Thus we will be assured never to return to material existence, but to be transported into the spiritual world, to taste an eternal life of knowledge and bliss. As long as the individual soul distinct from God acts under the influence of bodily designations or impulses, it is not free. Let her give up those designations and agree to become the servant of God, and she will be set free. The Eternal Supreme alone grants liberation.

We must act only for God. Otherwise, we are linked. Who says freedom says to act for the Supreme. Thus we are freed from karma or law action reaction. When we act for God, it’s free, but when we act for ourselves, karma chains us, we lose our freedom and we will have to suffer the consequences of our own actions.

Logos 285

At the origin of all things, while the material cosmos did not yet exist, the spiritual entities, the spiritual souls lived near Krishna, God, the Supreme Person in his kingdom all of knowledge, bliss and eternity and served him with love and devotion.

But some souls became envious of God and wanted to usurp his position as Sovereign Lord, Absolute Master and challenged his authority by disobeying him. In reality, the living being (the spiritual entity or soul) is eternal and the material cosmos was created to allow this illusory existence, which is called “false ego”. The individual believes himself to be independent of God and free to act as he sees fit. These are the first signs of Paradise Lost, of the fall of Adam. When Adam and Eve believed themselves free to do as they pleased, they were condemned. Being the eternal servant of the Supreme Lord, everyone must act in harmony with their desire or will. When he departs from this principle, he is lost. Driven out of Paradise, he comes into the material universe where God grants him certain facilities to act, but says to him:

“If you act according to My directives, you can come back to Me. If you refuse, you will fall more and more.”





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