The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 509 of 728

Logos 263

Those who fail in their attempt to approach God, in other words, those who do not fully succeed in the consciousness of God will get to be reborn into a family of high condition, material or spiritual.

If it is the unsuccessful candidates who fail, what about those who actually achieve the desired success?

Thus, any effort, even incomplete, to return to God, ensures us to be reborn in favorable conditions. Families of spiritualists and wealthy families are both conducive to spiritual uplifting, because under these conditions it will be easier to resume the progression where it stopped in the previous life. Indeed, for those who devote themselves to spiritual realization, the atmosphere which reigns within such families promotes the development of spiritual knowledge.

The science of God reminds men of good birth that their happy fortune is the fruit of their past devotional activities. Unfortunately, misled by maya, the illusion, these privileged beings show no interest in the teaching of God.

Logos 264

God exists, the proofs are there before our eyes. He manifests to us in the material universe through his various energies, and through various manifestations of his Divine Person.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, reveals himself to living beings by four major signs, and there are many others.

1) By his divine personal power, He penetrates planets, stars and galaxies, and thus maintains them in space and their orbit.

2) By his powerful energy, he makes himself small and penetrates the atoms, which He sets in motion.

3) It is the manifestation of universal time, which transforms matter.

4) It is death that takes everything away.

The purpose of life is to know God as He is, to restore our forgotten relationship and the bond that unites us to Him, and to achieve spiritual realization. God wants to save mankind from spiritual death. It is the duty of every man to understand his original




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