The Pure Spiritual Science
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as to claim that everything is due to chance. As a result, the universe we live in is becoming more and more godless, as a result of which everything sinks into chaos. If this continues, the Lord will not fail to react, as He has done with lost civilizations and nations. In no time, these atheistic monarchs and their supporters were all wiped out; in the same way, if today's atheistic civilization continues to develop, it will suffer the same fate, with a simple gesture from the Lord. Demonic beings should therefore beware and reduce their ungodly activities. They should listen to the servants of God who work to spread the Consciousness of the Supreme Eternal and become faithful to God, the Sovereign Person; otherwise, they are lost.

Logos 227

A civilization that does not take into account the gradual elevation of the immortal soul only encourages a life of animal ignorance. It is unreasonable to believe that every soul that passes from life to death reaches the same destiny. This philosophy is the work of Satan, the energy of illusion.

Either she joins the place she chose, or she is forced to undergo a condition determined by the life she has just led. What distinguishes the materialist from the spiritualist is that the former cannot determine his next body while the latter can consciously acquire one that allows him to experience the pleasures of the higher, heavenly planets. All his life, the materialist obsessed with the satisfaction of his senses, devotes his days to work to support his family and at night wastes his energy in carnal pleasures or falls asleep meditating on what he has accomplished during the day. This is the monotonous history of materialists. Although they are classified differently as businessmen, lawyers, politicians, teachers, magistrates, porters, pickpockets, workers, etc., they in fact have no other concern than eating, sleep, mate, defend, and satisfy their senses. They thus sacrifice their precious life to seek material enjoyments and fail to reach the perfection of existence by the spiritual realization which allows them to enter into real life where happiness is sublime, the kingdom of God.

Too attached to the pleasures of the senses, to wealth and glory, led astray by these desires, no one ever knows the firm will to serve the Supreme Lord with love and devotion, the only way to know perfect bliss and eternal life.





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