The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 431 of 728

Logos 135

The Lord said: “All follow My way, one way or another and according to whether they surrender to Me, in proportion I reward them.”

“I stand in the heart of each being, and from Me come memory, knowledge and forgetfulness.”

In the heart of each being is a manifestation of the supreme consciousness, the Supreme Soul or the Holy Spirit, which gives memory to the partial consciousness of the distinct souls that we are. The distinct soul with partial consciousness forgets the events of its past life, but the supreme consciousness reminds it of how to act on the knowledge it has acquired in the past.

Everyone is free to desire what they want, but it is the Supreme Lord who fulfills all desires. In other words, each being has the independence to think or desire as they please, but the satisfaction of their desires depends on the will of the Supreme Eternal.

Logos 136

It is by cultivating knowledge and detachment, as explained in great detail by the philosophy of the science of God, that one achieves the true perfection of existence.

Knowledge consists in realizing that the mission of man is to put an end to the sufferings of material existence, and that despite the need to provide for the needs of his body in a regulated manner, it is imperative to detach himself from these animal activities, which consist of eating, sleeping, mating and defending oneself. Satisfying only the needs of the body is synonymous with animal life, while satisfying the requirements of the soul is the true mission of man. God is the ultimate goal of existence.

Human perfection is achieved for anyone who observes three principles of civilization, namely: Protect the cow, because it feeds humanity for free. Support the spiritual culture of which God is the source, and above all, become a pure devotee of the Lord.

Unless you become a pure servant or a pure servant of God, no one can reach the perfection of existence, which consists in being lifted up to the spiritual world where there is no birth, no disease, no old age, no death. This is the highest level of




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