The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 427 of 728

innumerable galaxies, in the form of seeds, which then develop gradually in gigantic spheres each containing innumerable planets, just as the seeds of banyan grow until forming immense trees, with innumerable branches.

Living beings are automatically absorbed into the Body of Maha-Visnu at the end of the hundred years of Brahma's life. But thus absorbed in Him, distinct beings keep their own identity; and as soon as by the will of the Lord creation again joined the manifested state, all beings, until then inactive, and as if asleep, find themselves free to resume their various activities, in the thread of their conditions of past existence. This is called the principle of waking up after sleep and resuming your own activities. When a man sleeps at night, he forgets his identity, his homework, and all of his waking activities. But as soon as he regains consciousness, everything he needs to do comes back to his mind, and he resumes his activities. Likewise, living beings remain in Maha-Visnu's body as long as the annihilation of the galaxy lasts; but as soon as creation comes again, they wake up, they resume their unfinished tasks.

The Lord says:

“With the day of Brahma are born all the varieties of beings; and

let her night come, all are annihilated. Endless, day after

day, day is reborn, and every time, myriads of beings

are brought back into existence. Endless night after night falls

night, and with it, beings, in annihilation, without being able to do anything about it. There is, however, another world, which is eternal, beyond the two states, manifest and unmanifest, of matter.

Supreme world, which never perishes; when everything in the galaxy

material is dissolved, remains intact.”

The fact that the Lord existed before the creative energy of the three gunas was put into action shows that He was not produced by material energy. His body is entirely spiritual, and does not differ in any way from his Person, which is not the case for conditioned souls. Before creation, the Lord was in his kingdom, One and Absolute.

Scientists witnessed the destruction of an entire galaxy on October 1, 2014 at 7:04 a.m. The Eternal Supreme destroys a galaxy and ends the existence of the beings who lived there. The Lord creates, maintains and destroys the galaxy in due time.





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