The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 381 of 728

Logos 51

The Lord says: “Under the influence of the three gunas (of the three attributes and modes of influence of material nature; virtue, passion, ignorance), the soul led astray by the false ego (identification with the material body ) believes himself to be the author of his acts, when in reality they are performed by nature.

One who knows the nature of Absolute Truth (who is none other than God Himself) does not care about the senses and their pleasure, because he knows the difference between the act concerned and the act imbued with love and devotion. Confused by the three gunas, the ignorant is absorbed in the material activities to which he is attached. But although, by the poor knowledge of their author these actions are of a lower order, the sage must not disturb the one who performs them.

Also, consecrating Me all your actions, absorbing your thoughts in Me, free from all indolence, all selfishness and all personal motivation, acts”.

Logos 52

The Lord said: “One who has achieved his spiritual identity pursues no personal interest in fulfilling his duties, any more than he seeks to shirk his obligations. Thus, man must act out of a sense of duty, detached from the fruit of his acts, because by the act of free attachment, one reaches the Absolute.

Whatever a great man does, the mass of people always follows in his footsteps. The whole world follows the standard he sets by example. There is no duty in the three worlds that I should perform. I don't need anything, I don't want anything either. And yet I am ready for action. In fulfilling his duty the ignorant becomes attached to the fruits of his labor.

The enlightened man also acts, but without attachment, for the sole purpose of guiding the people on the right path. Let the sage not disturb the ignorant people attached to the fruits of their actions. They should not be encouraged to act, but rather to permeate each of their acts of love and devotion”.

Logos 53

The Blessed Lord says: “Two kinds of men realize the Absolute Truth. Some approach it through empiricism or philosophical speculation, others by acting in a spirit of




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