The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 377 of 728

Logos 43

Real life begins only at the end of the material existence of each living being.

Whoever develops the consciousness of God is already in the kingdom of God. Whoever engages in the service of love and devotion offered to the Lord is freed from the grip of matter.

Being aware of God knows that a new life begins after the death of the body. If before death one obtains the grace to become conscious of God, one immediately reaches the level of the absolute, of knowledge of the Lord and of complete knowledge. Whoever settles there, even at the moment of death, comes out of confusion, and the kingdom of God opens to him.

Those who truly know God and the relationship by which they are united to the Supreme Lord, reject materialism and hate the material universe. They are only attracted to God and seek only His company. Let’s not forget that we are spiritual entities, spiritual souls, not the material body. Who is aware of this truth, comes out of darkness and renews the bond which unites him to God.

Logos 44

God said: “No weapon can split the soul, nor fire can burn it. Water cannot wet it, nor can the wind dry it. The soul is indivisible and insoluble. The fire does not reach it, it cannot be parched. It is immortal and eternal, omnipresent, unalterable and fixed. It is said of the soul that it is invisible, inconceivable and immutable. Knowing this, you shouldn't lament your body. And even if you believe the endless soul taken over by birth and death, you have no reason to grieve. Death is certain for those who are born, and certain is birth for those who die. All created things are originally unmanifest. They manifest in their transient state, and once dissolved, find themselves unmanifest. What good is it to grieve?

Some see the soul, and it is an amazing wonder for them. Others talk about it and still others hear about it. There are, however, who, even after having heard of it, cannot conceive of it. He who sits in the body is eternal, he cannot be killed. So you don't have to cry anyone”.





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