The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 362 of 728

Logos 21

Too many men ignore the existence of the spiritual soul. They still do not know that the matter being inert, it is the soul embodied in a human, animal and vegetable body, which allows the latter to move and to live.

Material elements do not create, only the soul can create. Life cannot be a product of matter and the latter cannot create itself, because being inert it cannot in any case move. The body of matter owes its existence to the soul, which is life or life force. Material energy, called the lower energy, has no power without the help of the higher energy, the spiritual soul. But there is another force, superior to the spiritual soul, that is how we go back to Krishna, the original source of all power. Nature comes alive under the direction of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. This is real knowledge. Krishna prints the first movement, then this force is transmitted in successive phases until the entire cosmic manifestation is manifested, then maintained, this is the initial phase of creation.

Krishna explains it clearly: “Material nature acts under My direction and thus generates all beings, mobile and immobile. Know that all living species proceed from the womb of material nature, and that I am the father, who gives the seed.”

Krishna is the original father; it is He who gives the seed of everything. It is therefore the root cause of everything we know. Now, if we understand the original cause of all causes, then we understand the nature of everything. Also, one who has knowledge of the original cause, naturally knows the subsequent causes.

Logos 22

In truth, death only concerns the body and not the spiritual soul which is immortal. Our next life is set by the natural laws of God. We are, in truth, spiritual souls.

The infinitesimal spiritual soul remains invisible to the material eye. When the body of dense matter is destroyed, the ethereal body, composed of the mind, the intelligence and the ego, continues to function, and at the time of death, this ethereal body takes the tiny soul to a another material body, which a new mother creates in her womb. Reincarnation of the soul is a very subtle process. According to the nature of the mind at the moment of death, the infinitesimal spiritual soul carried by the seed of a human or animal father, takes refuge in the breast of a human or animal mother, which gives it a new human body or animal. We therefore already existed in




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