The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 360 of 728

The material cosmos manifested is a wonderful creation due to the interaction of the three gunas, the three attributes and modes of influence of material nature; virtue, passion and ignorance, the external energy of the Supreme Lord.

Only the one who has transcended the chains of birth and death, or who has rediscovered his eternal identity, that of eternal spiritual soul, no longer undergoes the influence of the energy of illusion, which forces him to accept as the only reality the cosmic material manifestation, a simple distorted reflection of spiritual reality, because it is aware of its spiritual identity. Only beings of lesser intelligence take for granted this distorted reflection of the spiritual world that is this material cosmos. Those who are influenced by external energy perceive its manifestation as a concrete reality, while those who have reached a certain level of spiritual realization know that it is illusory. In fact, reality is found elsewhere, in the spiritual world.

Material advantages can sometimes harm a person engaged on the spiritual path, on the path of consciousness of Krishna, God. Deprivation promotes progress in the consciousness of God. Nevertheless, one who is aware of the eternal relationship that unites him to God, the Supreme Person, can use his learning, beauty and noble birth for the service of the Lord, because these material attributes become commendable. In other words, unless the incarnate spiritual being is aware of Krishna, God, his material possessions have no real value, they amount to a zero. But if we connect this zero to the One Supreme, from zero it becomes ten. Separated from the Supreme One, our zero always has a zero value, even if we add a hundred other zeros. Again, unless material assets are used in the consciousness of God, they can be harmful and demean the one who possesses them.

Logos 20

It is in God that material creation occurs. There is nothing outside of God, there is nothing except the Lord.

Krishna, God, the Supreme and Original Person creates the manifested cosmos through its primary manifestation, Maha-Visnu, its full emanation, but Himself remains unborn. It is in Him, however, that creation takes place; matter and its manifestations are none other than Himself. He keeps them for a while, then absorbs them back into Him.

Creation is no different from the Lord, yet He Himself is not there. The impersonal conception of Absolute Truth, God, is also a form of the Lord, and all of creation is




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