The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 36 of 728

The universe is populated by countless living beings who, because of their own interest acts, transmigrate from one species to another and roam from planet to planet. Thus their imprisonment in matter is perpetuated since time immemorial. These living beings are infinitesimal fragments of the Supreme Soul. These spiritual fragments or separate souls are approximately one ten-thousandth of the tip of a hair.

The living entity is, by nature to have a spiritual soul, foreign to matter, and as such, it is a spark of the Supreme Soul, the Absolute Truth, the Divine Person. The individual soul must surrender completely to Krishna, the Supreme Soul, to find happiness.

Speaking to his disciple, the Lord said, "By your very nature, you are a living soul purely spiritual essence the material body can not be equated with your true identity, nor the mind, the. intelligence and false ego. Your true identity is to be the eternal servant of Krishna, the Supreme Lord. Your status is of transcendental nature. the superior energy of Krishna is spiritual essence while energy lower, external, is hardware essence. Located between these two energies, so you belong to the marginal energy of Krishna, which means you do one with him while being separate from him. being spiritual, you Krishna are identical to, but because you're just a tiny fragment, you are at the same time different from Him. "

In truth, the entire Creation consists of various manifestations of My energy. "

Transcendental is the energy of the Supreme Lord, energy living beings are an integral part. However, there is another energy, called matter, is covered by the cloud of ignorance and has thus three modes of influence, or gunas. All inconceivable energies reside in the Supreme Personality of the Lord, and the whole cosmic manifestation operates by them.

The Lord says that the living also qualified knowing the scope. "The body is the scope and the living, knowing of this field. Although being is intrinsically familiar with energy spiritual or have the power to understand, being covered by the material energy, he identifies the body. this feeling of being what it is not the so-called "false ego." Mystified thereby, being lost in the material existence takes on different bodies and suffers various forms of suffering, however, that different classes of living beings have varying degrees of knowledge of their true nature.

In other words, every living partakes of the spiritual energy of the Supreme Lord. The material energy is of lower nature, the human being has the power to escape his grip to take full advantage of the spiritual energy. The higher energy is veiled by the bottom, which submits the living to the suffering inherent in the material world




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