The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 35 of 728

Knowing the soul

The Vedas tell us that consciousness is a soul energy. The latter, in its pure state, lives in the spiritual world; however, in contact with the material, the living is covered by the illusion of false egotism. The false ego consciousness misleads and causes the identification with the material body. But we are not this body. We say: "This is my finger, this is my leg." The conscious self is the possessor and the observer of the body. The intelligence sees no evil that truth whose spiritual realization after the chanting Hare Krishna gives us a direct, uninterrupted experience.

When the living entity identifies with the material body and forget his true spiritual nature, he inevitably fears the disease, old age and death, it also fears losing her beauty, intelligence and vigor. Countless false anxieties and emotions related to the ephemeral body also beset. But this song, even early, make him realize the nature of pure and immutable soul, entirely distinct from the body. Since the mantra is an absolutely pure spiritual vibration, it has the power to restore the consciousness of the being to its original condition. It then ceases to be dominated by jealousy, bigotry, pride, envy and hatred. Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita (2.20). The soul is not born immortal, original and eternal "When dissipates our false identification with the body and that we perceive our true nature transcendental, we automatically go beyond all fears and anxieties of material existence, we stop thinking. "I'm American, I'm Russian, black, or white."

This awareness makes us understand the spiritual nature of all living beings. When awaken our natural feelings, we realize the ultimate unity of all existence. This is what is meant by the liberation of spiritual realization freed us from any animosity or envy of other creatures.

Srila Prabhupada explains this superior vision in the Teaching of Prahlada Maharaja: "Those who become fully aware of Krishna no longer say, 'Here's an animal, here is a cat, a dog or a worm' because they see in everything . a parcel of God Bhagavad-gita explains beautifully that end: 'this is really versed in Krsna consciousness feels affection for all living entities.' Unless settle at this level, there can be no question of universal brotherhood. "

Every living being is a separate person, and is part of the Supreme Whole, God, he is a mere fragment. If the plots are all personal and individual, how their source of Jehovah which they originate and to which they belong, could this source be impersonal? The All is verily the Supreme Personality Absolute princess among the relative beings. "





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