The Pure Spiritual Science
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qualifies to access the spiritual kingdom. No one can contemplate contemplating the activities of the spiritual world without being established in his pure spiritual identity, and knowing in conscience that he is a spiritual soul.

Logos 12

Who is aware of God develops pure love for Krishna, the Supreme Person. Whatever relationship a person has with the Supreme Lord, it is that which emanates from their feelings towards God that prevails.

Any personal relationship with God must start with a relationship of servant to master and then, if necessary, develop in friendship, then in parental love and finally in conjugal love. Whoever establishes himself in his own relationship with God, the Supreme Person, finds himself in the best possible relationship for him. However, an analysis of the spiritual feelings that characterize the different relationships with the Divine reveals that the neutral relationship (that by which one considers God, only as the Supreme Eternal) with the Supreme Lord is at the first level. A deeper realization of God consists in seeing him as his master then, beyond, as his friend; and even higher is the relationship in which one perceives the Lord as his child. The parental relationship is thus more advanced and of a higher quality than the friendship relationship, but the supreme relationship among all is that where one develops a conjugal love for the Sovereign Lord.

The spiritual realization imbued with an attitude of service is inherently transcendent, but when that attitude turns into a brotherly feeling, the relationship deepens further. And when the affection intensifies, the relationship comes to be established at the parental level. Ultimately, conjugal love, however, characterizes the highest relationship that can unite us to the Supreme Lord. All spiritual affection for the Supreme Lord, at whatever level, is undoubtedly transcendental, but that which is peculiar to a devotee is more delightful to him than to any other.

Logos 13

Life is for spiritual realization and the restoration of our forgotten relationship with God. The human form is specially intended for the development of the consciousness of Krishna, God, because this divine consciousness will allow us to find our eternal body of bliss and knowledge. The purpose of Krishna Consciousness or God




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