The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 351 of 728

Logos 6

The soul embodied and conditioned by the matter which pursues with frenzy the pleasure of the senses, unaware that this path will never allow it to tear itself away from material defilement, obtains for all “benefit” only the renewal of the cycle of death and birth.

The Lord teaches: “The perpetrator of selfless acts must endlessly be reborn and die in this world, and until he has developed his affection for Me, it will be impossible for him to shake off the yoke of the laws of material nature.”

Thus, the man who conscientiously fulfills the duties which fall to him according to the social class and the spiritual level to which he belongs, but who fails to develop his love for the Supreme Lord, that one only spoils his human life.

Krishna also confirms this point when He says: “Man of the first order is the one who finds refuge in Me, in total abandonment, and who, renouncing any form of material occupation, live according to My teaching.”

These words from the Lord let us understand that men who love philanthropy, charitable works of a social nature, ethics, morality, politics, altruism... are only praiseworthy material scale. The Vedas, the original holy scriptures “The true gospel”, teaches us that a being conscious of Krishna, God, and practicing the service of devotion, far exceeds all these “benefactors of humanity”.

Logos 7

The Lord teaches that one can satisfy God, the Supreme Person, by applying the spiritual principles related to social divisions and that in return, the whole society will be filled with all the goods necessary for existence and all difficulties smoothed out. Isn't the Supreme Lord the support of all beings?

If each member of society devotes himself to his own occupation while cultivating the conscience of God, no doubt universal peace and happiness will reign. Free from the concern for vital necessities, the whole world will then transform into a vast spiritual space, into a spiritual abode. Without having to be transported to the kingdom of God. The whole of humanity, if only they apply the teachings of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person and fulfill the duties related to the development of the consciousness of God, will experience perfect happiness.





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