The Pure Spiritual Science
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attachment that we feel for the miserable body, which serves as our clothing. The perfection of yoga (yoga = way of union with God) consists in giving up all attachment for the body and for what is attached to it to transfer our affection to Krishna. We are very attached to material pleasures, but when we transfer this same attachment to Krishna, God, we advance on the path of liberation. This is the only yoga you have to practice.

Here's how to break free from the bondage of matter and the chains of material existence.

The age of discord, quarrels, hypocrisy and sin, the current age, is marred by endless flaws. In short, it is a veritable ocean of faults, but it nevertheless has an advantage: it is enough to recite or to sing the holy Names of God; Haré Krishna, haré Krishna, krishna Krishna, haré haré / Haré Rama, haré Rama, haré Rama, haré haré, so that the stain of this dark age disappears in us, thus allowing us to find our original spiritual body and return to God , in our real home located in his eternal kingdom.

When Krishna appeared, He made known his instructions, and inaugurated the era of chanting his holy Names for the benefit of all living beings. It is also said that this era will continue for ten thousand years. This means that simply by chanting the anthem Haré Krishna, fallen souls from this age of sin will be delivered. The age of sin began just after the Lord's departure 5,000 years ago, and continues for 432,000 years, of which only 5,000 have passed. There are therefore 427,000 years to come. And of these 427,000 years, the 10,000 years inaugurated by Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu the Golden Avatar 500 years ago provide the fallen souls of this dark era with the possibility of regaining Krishna Consciousness and of singing the anthem Haré Krishna ; so they can be freed from the grip of material existence and return to their original home with God.

Although the age of sin is full of faults, this age has a great advantage: it is enough to sing or recite the hymn Ha re Krishna to free oneself from the slavery of matter and to be brought up to spiritual realm. Spreading God's instructions all over the world is the best charitable activity for bringing peace and prosperity among men. Through the chanting of the holy Names of God, Haré Krishna, the heart is purified. All the difficulty in this Iron Age comes from the fact that there is no virtue and no purification of the heart; because of this, people make the mistake of identifying with their bodies.

It means that the conception of existence is based on the body. We find this misunderstanding everywhere. As soon as a being has a bodily conception of life, he




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