The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 272 of 728

this energy that one can achieve spiritual enlightenment. This acts on the living being which surrenders completely to the Lord and accepts its position of eternal servant. Putting oneself at the disposal of the Supreme Lord, being ready to do his will; it is then that He is gradually revealed to us by spiritual energy. Without this help of spiritual energy, it is impossible to glorify the Lord with prayers.

When the individual being distinct from God is truly revived by spiritual energy, all of his senses become purified, and he dedicates himself exclusively to the service of the Lord. At this stage, his hands, legs, ears, tongue, mind, genitals, in short his whole body, actively participate in the service he offers to the Lord. Thus illuminated, the holy being no longer has material activities; nor does he have the slightest desire to engage in such activities. This way by which the distinct being purifies his senses and uses them in the service of the Lord is none other than the service of devotion. At the beginning, the activities of his senses will thus be regulated by the spiritual master and the holy scriptures, and when he has reached the level of spiritual realization, when these same senses are purified, he will continue to act on the same path. In other words, in the beginning the senses are used mechanically in the service of the Lord, but after the stage of spiritual realization, they are used with full knowledge of the facts.

Lord Krishna teaches that from within, He gives those who continually work to serve him with love and devotion, the intelligence that enables them to progress in the path of devotional service. Thus encouraged, the holy being can never forget the Divine Person, not even for a moment. He always feels indebted to Him for having attained, through his grace, an increased power in the service of devotion. Thanks to this knowledge of the Lord, holy beings like Sanaka, Sanatana and Brahma, were able to see the entire galaxy, through his mercy. Even if a man seems to stay awake all day, until he has developed a spiritual vision in himself, he is only sleeping. It doesn't change the fact that he sleeps at night and does his homework during the day. As long as he does not come to act in full spiritual light, he is considered to be continually asleep. So a saint never forgets all that he owes to the Lord. The Lord is called “the friend of the poor”. After spending countless lives engaging in harsh austerities to gain knowledge, man comes to true knowledge and real wisdom when he surrenders to God, the Supreme Person. Thus, the holy being who has come to perfect knowledge cannot, at any time, forget what he owes to the Lord.





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