The Pure Spiritual Science
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generate respect, devotion, then attachment for the Lord. And it all culminates in the surrender of oneself to his Person. Now the Lord, in one way or another, constantly reminds Him of conditioned souls, as well by placing them under the severe yoke of external energy as by guiding them personally, from within or from the inside. outside, in the form of the spiritual master. Indeed, from the inside, in the form of the Supreme Soul present in the heart of each being, He holds the role of Intimate Spiritual Master, and from the outside, that of manifest guide, in the form of the scriptures , wise saints and the spiritual master giving initiation.

The eternal relationship uniting individual beings to the Lord is spiritual and absolute; otherwise, the Lord would not care to wrest conditioned souls from the clutches of material energy. As for them, rekindling their affection, their natural love for the Lord, such is their duty, because therein resides the highest perfection. And this perfection, the goal of existence, the teaching of Krishna enables them to attain it by offering them the remedy which will put an end to their material fever.

No one can change the rigorous laws of nature, since they act under the direction of God, the Supreme Person. In truth, individual beings distinct from God remain eternally subordinate to the Almighty Lord. All the laws which govern the existence of man, and which we generally gather under the name of religion, were established by the Lord; none other than Him is able to institute the ways of religion. True religion will therefore consist in responding exactly to the instructions of the Lord, as He clearly stated them in the Bhagavad-gita (Words of Krishna, Christ, God, the Supreme Person) that everyone follow the path laid down by Him, obey his orders. Adherence to this path brings satisfaction for all, material as well as spiritual. In other words, as long as we remain in the material universe, it is our duty to comply with the Lord's instructions, and if His grace allows us to be freed from the clutches of matter, then we will be able to the liberated state, continue to serve it with love. Our material condition does not allow us to see the Lord, or even to know our own identity, because we are deprived of spiritual vision; but that we break our bonds with this material condition, that we find our original spiritual form, and we can then see our own self, as well as the Lord, face to face.

Liberation is the return of being, once it has freed itself from all material conception of existence, to its original spiritual condition. Human life is precisely the opportunity to develop the qualities necessary to obtain this spiritual freedom. But alas, under the influence of illusory material energy, man most often identifies these few years of an ephemeral existence with his permanent condition. Thus misled, he deceptively accepts all the objects of attachment that Maya presents to him: his nation, his lands,




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