The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 253 of 728

The Supreme Lord stands in the hearts of all beings and directs their wanderings to all, each one as on a machine, a body, made up of material energy.

External energy, illusory, Mayan energy, acts under the authority of God, and conditions embodied souls.

The present conditioning of the embodied spiritual being is due only to the influence of the illusory external energy; that is to say, it exercises this influence by itself. The Supreme Lord has nothing to do with this undesirable act. He has no desire to see individual beings distinct from his Person thus being allowed to play and be led astray by his external energy, which is akin to Satan. She herself is very aware of this fact, but nevertheless accepts the thankless task of maintaining by her influence the forgetful souls in the distraction, which is the center of fear. And the Lord in no way slows down his illusory energy in the accomplishment of this task, because it is necessary for the reform of souls embodied and conditioned by matter.


An affectionate father does not like to see his children punished by others; however, when they are rebellious, he does not hesitate to place them under the care of a strict tutor, for the sole purpose of putting them back on the right track. But the almighty father, in his infinite love, desires at the same time the deliverance of conditioned souls, their liberation from the clutches of illusory energy. The king threw his rebel citizens behind bars, but sometimes, preferring them to be free, he went to the prison in person and implored them to repent, so that they could be released.

Likewise, the Supreme Lord descends from his kingdom in that of illusory energy and personally offers to conditioned souls the remedy for all their ills by giving them the Bhagavad-gita, (Words of Krishna, Christ, God, the Supreme Person ) where He teaches that the influence of illusory energy proves to be very difficult to overcome, but that whoever abandons himself to Him is, by his supreme will, immediately released.

Surrendering to the Lord is the surest way to free ourselves from the alienations of illusory energy. And to be complete, it must be practiced in the company of holy beings, for the Lord teaches that it is by the influence of the pure words of those who have fully realized the Absolute, his divine Person, that men are led to adopt his sublime love service. In contact with such souls, the conditioned being develops a taste for listening to what relates to the Lord, listening which is enough to gradually




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