The Pure Spiritual Science
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thus risen to the highest perfection, never again return to this transitory world (the material universe) where suffering reigns”.

We are to serve the Supreme Lord, Krishna, in a way that pleases Him, with purely spiritual love and devotion. By refraining from mixing motives which relate to personal interest or intellectual speculation, and thus to seek some material reward. This is pure service, perfect devotion, the sublime expression of love for God.

Our main concern must be to escape the cycle of repeated births and deaths, and to achieve the supreme perfection of existence by living with the Supreme King, God, in the spiritual world. Whatever we do and whatever our occupation, our first objective must be to satisfy Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, to always please Him.

Human life, divided into stages, must be devoted to spiritual development.

According to spiritual principles, the first part of existence must be devoted to the development of character and spiritual qualities. Then, whoever wants to can take a wife and father children, but not like animals do. We must indeed father children who can accomplish the mission of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, otherwise it is futile to procreate. There are two kinds of children born of a virtuous father: one will be educated in Krishna consciousness so as to be free from the traps of maya (the energy of illusion) in this very life, and the other is a ray of light from the Sovereign Lord and appearing to teach the world the ultimate purpose of existence. Noble heads of families pray to God to entrust one of his envoys to them, so that a favorable influence can be exerted on society. Here is a first valid reason to procreate.

Another motive, for highly enlightened parents, will be to raise a child in Krishna consciousness, so that he does not have to return to this miserable world. Parents must ensure that the child they father does not have to go back into a mother's womb again. Unless one can lead a child to liberation in this life, no one should marry or procreate. If human beings father children like animals, thereby increasing disorder in society, the world becomes hellish, as it is today. In the present age, neither parents nor their children are educated; both live like animals and only know how to eat, sleep, mate, defend themselves and satisfy their senses. Such disorder cannot bring peace to humanity. In other words, sex should only be used for the purpose of fathering good children, and for no other purpose. Human life must be




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