The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 243 of 728

This is what satisfies him. Although He is complete in Himself, He loves his devotees to offer Him with devotion, even a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water. The Lord sometimes asks his devotee to give Him food, as if He was very hungry. Sometimes again, He appears in a dream to a holy being to tell him that his temple and his garden are dilapidated and that He is no longer very well there; He then begs him to restore them to Himself. It may also happen that He is buried, and He begs his devotee to come and save him, as if He was unable to get out of trouble Himself. Or, He asks a sage to preach his glories all over the world, although He alone is quite capable of carrying out this task. So, although the Sovereign Lord has everything and is self-sufficient, He depends on his devotees. That’s why the relationship He has with them is so intimate. Only a holy being can understand how the Lord, although complete in Himself, depends on his devotee to accomplish some particular task. Krishna explains this well when He says to Arjuna:

“In this fight, be only an instrument in My hand.”

Krishna was quite capable, alone, of winning the battle at Kuruksetra; nevertheless, He preferred to encourage his devotee Arjuna to fight and collect the merit of victory. Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the Golden Avatar, could very well have made His Name and mission known to the world Himself; nevertheless, He preferred to depend on his devotees to fulfill this task. Given all of these points, the most important aspect of the Supreme Lord’s autonomy is that He chooses to depend on his devotees. This is what is called his unmotivated mercy. The saint who has become aware of this unmotivated mercy of the Supreme Lord can understand the concept of master and servant.

The purpose of human life.

The Lord God said: “For a person with spiritual knowledge, I am the only beloved, the ultimate goal, the motive and the final conclusion, the elevation and the path that leads to my eternal kingdom. Besides My Divine Person as a favorite, she has no other goal.”

The purpose of human life is to know Krishna, God, the Supreme Person as He really is, his fame, his qualities, his attributes, his entertainment, his glories and his excellences.

To reconnect the bond that unites us to Him and to act accordingly.

To achieve spiritual realization.





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