The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 135 of 728

Those who die young, in their turn suffer the interruption of their existence, for in their former life they have taken the life of a living being. What they have done will be done to them in their next life in the same way. Those who have disabled a person by cutting a limb, will experience exactly the same thing in their next life, or will be born with a disability or blindness.

The sufferings we endure today are the consequences of our guilty acts in our past life. The purpose of suffering is to help us to erase the faults committed.

All those who withdraw life from a human being, even an animal, will be severely punished by divine justice. They will have to suffer much in their next existence because of their criminal act and they will be doing the same thing, so that they never start again.

So let us listen to God, and commit evil act.

Whoever wishes to free himself from the chains which hold him prisoner of his world and put an end to the sufferings inherent in material existence must renounce the fruits of his actions and never attach himself to their results.

In truth, he who is attached to the fruits of action takes upon himself the responsibility of his actions, and must enjoy or suffer from their consequences. The act of interest, or the search for the pleasures of the senses, bring about effects which we will surely undergo the good and / or evil consequences. The acts then fall under the law of cause and effect. Action for its fruits engenders enslavement, and must be regarded as harmful. Good or bad, material attachments are always a cause of servitude and can in no way help us to free ourselves from the material condition.

Everyone has the right to fulfill his duty, but no one should ever act for results. To fulfill his obligations in a spirit of detachment by offering them to God, for example, is to move forward with a sure step towards spiritual liberation.

True life only begins at the end of material existence. You will find it in the kingdom of God.

Whoever develops the consciousness of God is already in the kingdom of God. The one who engages in the service of love and devotion offered to the Lord is freed from the grip of matter.





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