The words Of Krishna, Christ, God, The Supreme Being
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Lord Krishna still teaches that the Ultimate Truth is none other than Himself, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is the Absolute Truth.

Absolute Truth is realized in three degrees: The Supreme Impersonal Spiritual Being (the only aspect of God known to believers on earth), the Supreme Soul also called the Holy Spirit, called “localized”, because it resides in the heart of all living beings, humans, animals and plants, and the Supreme Spiritual Being, Krishna, in his personal, real, Primordial, Original, Infinite, and Absolute form, at the origin of all the plentiful emanations, or emanations of the plentiful emanations, and the Avatars.

By perfect knowledge of Absolute Truth, one must understand, perfect knowledge of Krishna, as He really is. All branches of knowledge are included in the knowledge of Krishna. Krishna transcends matter, for He always dwells in the spiritual atmosphere of His eternal inner power.

All living beings are divided into two orders: some eternally conditioned, and others eternally liberated. They are innumerable and are all an integral part of Krishna, of which they are tiny fragments.

As for material energy, it manifests itself in twenty-four elements, which form its divisions. Material creation takes place under the action of eternal time, and the material universe is created and then dissolved by the external power of the Lord. His creations and dissolutions, or manifestations and non-manifestations, are repeated in an endless cycle.

The teaching of the Lord “The words Of Krishna, Christ, God, The Supreme Being” essentially deals with five subjects: the Supreme Lord, material nature, living beings, eternal time, and acts of all kinds.

The last four elements depend on the first, God, the Supreme Person, Lord Krishna.

The various concepts of the Absolute Truth, that is, the Supreme Impersonal Spiritual Being, the Supreme Soul present in the heart of each of the living beings, or any other spiritual concept that one may have, are included in the Supreme Person.

Although on the surface the Supreme and Absolute Person, the living being, material nature and time seem distinct, nothing is separated from the Absolute. But still, the Absolute differs from all things. This is the philosophy of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, where God is both and inconceivably different and not different from all that is. It gives us the perfect knowledge of the Absolute Truth.

In its original position, the living being is purely spiritual, a spiritual soul, a tiny fragment of the Supreme Spiritual Being, Krishna. It is nevertheless classified as the marginal energy of the Lord, for it may remain bound to spiritual energy, or come into contact with material energy. In other words, the individual being distinct from God lies between the spiritual and material energies. And because, belonging to the higher energy, it is endowed with a fragment of independence. Actually, to make good use of this fragment of independence is for him, to place himself under the guidance of Krishna, and thus attain his original natural condition, in the blissful energy of the Lord.




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