The words Of Krishna, Christ, God, The Supreme Being
Page 39 of 50

The beings in the world of conditions (the material universe) are eternal fragments of My Person. But because they are conditioned, they struggle fiercely against the six senses, and among them, the mind.

Just as the air carries away smells, the living being (the incarnated soul) in this world carries with it from one body to another the various ways it conceives, thus taking on a new material body. The living being is endowed with a certain sense of hearing, sight, touch, taste and smell, all of which revolve around the mind. He thus has his own range of sense objects.

The foolish cannot conceive how the living being leaves the body, or what kind of body, under the rule of the three gunas, he has to enjoy. But all this he whose eyes are initiated in knowledge can see.

He sees all this with clarity, the spiritualist steadfastly established in spiritual realisation. But others, devoid of spiritual realisation, cannot, however hard they try, grasp the truth.

The Splendour of the sun, which dispels the darkness of the whole galaxy, know that it proceeds from My Person. And also that of the moon, and also that of the fire.

I enter into each of the planets, and through My energy, hold them in their orbit. I become the moon, and thus give the juice of life to all plants.

I am, in every animate body, the fire of digestion, and also the vital breath, inspired as well as exhaled. Thus, I do the assimilation of the four kinds of food.

I stand in the heart of every being, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness. The goal of all. The purpose of the Vedas (the original holy scriptures) is to know Me; verily, it is I who composed the Vedanta (holy book), and I am the One who knows the Vedas.

There are two orders of beings: the fallible and the infallible. In the material universe, all are fallible; but in the spiritual world, it is said that all are infallible.

But other than these is the greatest of beings, the Lord Himself, who enters the worlds and upholds them.

Since I am absolute, beyond the fallible and the infallible, since I am the greatest of all, the world and the Vedas celebrate Me as that Supreme Person.

He who, free from doubts, knows Me in this way, as God, the Supreme Person, he, know this, his knowledge embraces all. Therefore with all his being he serves Me with love and devotion.

What I am now revealing to you is the most secret part of the Vedic scriptures (the Vedas, the original holy scriptures). He who grasps its contents will know wisdom, and his efforts will lead him to perfection.




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