The words Of Krishna, Christ, God, The Supreme Being
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The most secret wisdom

The Supreme Lord says:

Because you never envy Me, I will reveal to you the most secret wisdom, by which you will be freed from the sufferings of material existence.

This knowledge is king among all the sciences. It is the secret of secrets, the purest knowledge, and because it makes us directly realise our true identity, it represents the perfection of the spiritual life. It is imperishable, and of joyful application.

Men who, on the path of devotional service, are deprived of faith, cannot reach Me. They come back to be born and die in this world.

This universe is entirely pervaded by Me, in My unmanifested form. All beings are in Me, but I am not in them.

At the same time, nothing created is in Me. See My supernatural power, I sustain all beings, I am everywhere present and yet I remain the very source of all creation. As in the ethereal space stands the mighty wind, blowing everywhere, so know that in Me stand all beings. At the end of an age, all material creations return to Me, and at the beginning of the next age, by My power, I create again.

The whole material universe is under My command. By My will it is manifested anew each time, and it is always by it that in the end it is annihilated.

But these acts cannot bind Me. Forever detached from them, I remain as neutral in them. Material nature acts under My direction, under My direction it generates all beings, mobile and immobile. By My command again, it is created and then annihilated, in an endless cycle.

The foolish denigrate Me when in human form I descend into this world. They know nothing of My spiritual and absolute nature, nor of My total supremacy.

Thus misguided, they cherish demonic and atheistic views. Vain are their hopes of liberation, vain their self-interested acts, vain their aspiration for knowledge.

But those who are unaware of misguidance, the great souls, are under the protection of the divine nature. Knowing that God, the Supreme Person, is original and inexhaustible, they are absorbed in devotional service.




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