Do Not Kill The Animals, Do Not Eat Their Flesh
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Christianity and the New Testament.

The New Testament that we know remains mysteriously silent on vegetarianism, the diet of Jesus, and the food that the latter recommended. Some scholars believe that this shortcoming is due to a removal of passages in the gospel, which restricted the consumption of animal flesh.

Iniquitous corrections.

Professor Nestlé, in his book “Introduction to the textual Criticism of the Greek Testanment” tells us that certain scholars called “corretores” were appointed by the ecclesiastical authorities, in order to “correct”, that is to say to alter, the texts of the scriptures in the interest of what was considered “orthodox” at the time.

One of these “corrections” took place at the Council of Nicaea (325 AD). At this council, several contemporary scholars claim, the priests completely altered, by omission or extrapolation, the original Christian documents. The purpose of these changes was to make these scriptures acceptable to Emperor Constantine. The latter was far from being a vegetarian, because it is said, among other things, that he poured liquid lead down the throats of vegetarian Christians whom he captured.

The manuscripts of the Dead Sea.

While the oldest known New Testament documents date from 4th century (after the Council of Nicaea), manuscripts dating from the very beginning of the Christian era were discovered in 1947. The authenticity of these texts would make them the most complete and oldest of the Christian writings currently known.

In these pages, Jesus is described as being a strict vegetarian. What confirms the prediction of the Old Testament: “It is therefore the Lord Himself who will give you a sign. Behold, the young girl is pregnant and is going to give birth to a son whom she will call Emmanuel. On milk and honey, he will feed himself until he knows how to reject evil and choose the good”. (Isaiah 7:14)

Vegetarianism and Islam.

Those who are good to God's creatures are good to themselves

(Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad)




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