Do Not Kill The Animals, Do Not Eat Their Flesh
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satisfaction of their senses, these individuals create a society based on envy. This state of mind sinks them into an ocean of suffering, and in their foolishness they do not even realize it.

By the pandemic linked to the current coronavirus, the Supreme Eternal give a warning to human beings; stop aborting, stop slaughtering animals, and do not eat no more meat, fish, and eggs.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person has already given to the humanity in the past through various epidemics by way of warnings, such as typhus, plague, Spanish flu, etc., signs, so that they change their attitudes, repent, do penance, turn to God, that they apply its laws, its precepts and commandments, if they do not want to suffer any more, because human beings are themselves at the origin of their own sufferings. Nothing can happen without the approval, consent or sanction of God.

For a very long time now, almost 5,000 years, evil has been spreading throughout the earth, and has been increasingly accentuated since under 60. The number of iniquitous and atheistic disbelievers is increasing, with the complicity of equally iniquitous governments, which allow the opening of slaughterhouses and fisheries, where very many animals, terrestrial and aquatic, are killed for the sole pleasure of human carnivores. their senses, their interested desires, and their taste buds. stingy and haughty, companies with a materialist philosophy, unscrupulous calculating financial circles, slaughterhouses and fisheries. The Lord’s purpose, to bring them down by touching the staff who work there, so that the leaders change direction, and lean towards the suffering human mass and abandoned by the states, and look to the Lord. [Many slaughterhouse staff around the world are affected by covid-19, bringing the activity of these death centers to a standstill in the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, and Australia including].

Governments must shut down slaughterhouses and fisheries, which kill millions of innocent land and water animals around the world every day, as well as butcher shops and fish markets, which market the corpses of killed animals. They must also protect all terrestrial, crawling, flying, aquatic animals and all plants, wherever they are in the world.

The human form must allow the soul which obtained it, to reach the spiritual realization, to deepen the science of God, to know God as He really is, and to discover the ultimate goal of existence, which is none other than Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

The The first duty of a king or a head of state is to watch over his people, and to protect all his citizens, whoever they are. All human beings who make it up are considered citizens of a state, but also all terrestrial, crawling, flying, aquatic, wild and domestic animals, as well as all plants. Everyone, humans, animals and plants are




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