Getting To Know God
Page 84 of 176

charged with the administration of the universe, and these have the task of removing from the world all the disruptive elements, which are a burden to him. As a result, He called some of the most important celestial beings to appear in the Yadu Dynasty and assist him in his great mission. This accomplished one, these same heavenly beings, by the will of the Lord, abandoned their carnal envelope in favor of a fratricidal fight unleashed under the influence of intoxication. They were then able, thanks to the favor of Lord Kṛiṣhṇa, to recover their original forms.

The Supreme Lord, God, is neither impersonal nor devoid of form, as Jews, Christians and Muslims believe. Nevertheless, his Body does not differ from Him, and that is why it is said to incarnate eternity, knowledge and happiness. The Lord is totally spiritual and therefore immortal, precisely because He does not have a material body. That said, it is easy to understand that the fact that the Lord “dies”, to leave his body, is only a game, an illusion, as a magician does. By these artifices, a conjurer makes one believe that it is cut into pieces, that it is reduced to ashes, or rendered unconscious under the influence of some hypnotic power. But these are only illusions, because the magician does not suffer the slightest burn or the slightest injury, nor does he lose consciousness at any moment of his representation. Likewise, the Lord possesses an unlimited number of eternal forms, such as the Avatar-Fish He showed in this world at the time of the flood. And since the universes (galaxies) themselves are innumerable, somewhere in one of them this Avatar-Fish continues to unfold its Divertures: never does its form cease to be. He has eternally this form, and makes it appear or disappear, like all his other forms, or Avatars, to serve particular purposes. In the direction of those who do not know that Krishna, God, the Supreme Person to a body whose personal, real, original and absolute form is human from which emanates a radiance at the root of its impersonal aspect, the Supreme Eternal says:

“The impersonalists believe me devoid of form, and claim that I have borrowed My Present Form, the one I manifest today, for the sole purpose of serving some purpose. But such speculators are in fact deprived of real intelligence. Whatever their erudition of Vedic texts, they ignore all My inconceivable energies and eternal forms of My Person. The reason is that I reserve the right not to show myself to unbelievers, this thanks to my inner power, which veiled to their eyes. Fools and fools therefore do not know My eternal, unborn and imperishable form”.

The Body of the Lord has nothing material. He can not therefore be killed or suffer any alteration in his spiritual and absolute nature. When He left the planet, Kṛiṣhṇa wanted everyone around to join him, and so under various circumstances all his companions were called to Him.

From the day that Kṛiṣhṇa, the Supreme Lord, left this Earth in his personal form, Kali, the iron age, discord and quarrels, hitherto barely visible, unfolded all its power, creating the darkest conditions for those who lack real knowledge.




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