Getting To Know God
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understand him, to love him, to abandon ourselves to him, to serve him with love and devotion and to become aware of Him.

We must never forget either that the true goal of existence is also to achieve spiritual realization, to find our true identity, that of knowing that each of us is a spiritual entity and thus seek to know our original nature, our eternal condition, our natural real state, and finally, to make sure to return to the absolute kingdom of Krishna, all of knowledge, bliss and eternity.

The pure love for God is the goal and the foundation of existence.

Let us not forget that we must never renounce to obtain, with fervor, the favor of God. At its peak, the purpose of existence is to relinquish one's own satisfaction to seek only that of Lord Krishna.

This is the perfection of existence.

Human perfection is achieved for anyone who observes three principles of civilization, namely:

Protect the cow, for it feeds humanity free of charge.

Support the spiritual culture of which God is the source.

And above all, become a pure devotee of the Lord.

Perfection consists in obeying Krishna, God, the Supreme Person and doing his divine will. Knowing one's intimate relationship with the Lord is the supreme goal of human life.

The loving and devout service that living beings offer to God, Krishna, revives in them eternal life.

to the Lord and to serve him with love and devotion, such is the perfection of existence and eternal life.

Our true home is the spiritual world.

Do not cling to anything in this world of dense matter, because we are all spiritual beings, we are not of this material world. In truth, we are all passing through this world.

Our real home, our real home is the spiritual world where we used to live, where we must return, and where we can play, have fun with Krishna, God, the Supreme Person for all eternity.

Let us all return to the kingdom of God, for it is the Lord's wish and it must be ours too.




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