Getting To Know God
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The golden key to existence is to become aware of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

To free yourself from material slavery, it is enough to surrender to God, and to make a firm resolution to serve Him with love and devotion for eternity. The key to liberation is love for Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

Lord Krishna is the major key that solves all the problems of existence.

In truth, the service of love and devotion offered to the Lord fills the pure soul with two major graces, peace and fullness.

One reaches the level of love for God through pure devotional service, learning to work with love for the object of his love, that is, for the Supreme Person, Krishna. The pure soul then enjoys the company of the All Perfect, God, and knows perfect peace and satisfaction. To rise until obtaining the marvelous company of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person constitutes the highest perfection of the existence.

Whoever enters the kingdom of God, will never return again in the material universe where reigns the fear, anxiety, suffering and death.

Devotional service is most important to satisfying the Supreme Lord. Anyone who earnestly and sincerely devotes himself to the service of love and devotion which he dedicates to Krishna immediately reaches the transcendent level where he can enjoy infinite spiritual bliss.

The Eternal Supreme is the source of happiness, of true permanent and uninterrupted happiness which bathes all those who love and serve him with love and devotion, He is the fountain of all happiness. All who come in contact with the Supreme Lord have access to true immortality. Only contact with Krishna allows one to gain access to true immortality, otherwise it is impossible. Because it allows this contact to be made, devotional service corresponds to true immortality and certainly leads to God.

The Supreme Lord cannot be perceived by any means other than devotion. He confirms it Himself:

It is only through devotional service, and only thus, that I can be known as I am.

Krishna is the original source of knowledge absolute.

There is nothing in this world as pure and sublime as absolute knowledge, knowledge which transcends material knowledge, of which Krishna, God, the Sovereign Person is the original source, the Supreme Spiritual Master and the Supreme Teacher. Whoever possesses it finds perfect joy and peace in himself at the right time. He will already experience in this material world an incomparable inner happiness.




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