Getting To Know God
Page 41 of 176

The second spiritual characteristic is that He never dies. Forgetting comes from death: when we die, we must then change bodies; which causes forgetfulness. But Krishna, He never knows forgetting; He can indeed remember any past action. He can not be defiled by any culpable act, does not die, never ages, is never subject to affliction, feels neither hunger nor thirst, All that He desires is perfectly just and legitimate; all that He decides can not be changed by anyone. These are the spiritual and absolute attributes of Krishna.

He enjoys all the facilities provided by supernatural powers, such as becoming smaller than the smallest. This is how Krishna penetrates the atom and at the same time He is present in the hearts of all living beings. Krishna also enjoys the perfection that allows Him to be the lightest. It is because He penetrates into this universe, and into the heart of atoms, that all planets float in space. Which explains the phenomenon of weightlessness. He can get everything He wants. Similarly, He has the power to govern everything, hence His Supreme Master's name. Finally, Krishna can put all beings under his influence. Krishna is thus endowed with all the excellences, all qualities and spiritual attributes and all supernatural powers. No one can be compared to Him.

No one can enumerate the innumerable spiritual Attributes of the Supreme Lord, for He is limitless. His attributes and energies are limitless, and so is his knowledge. His energies and his acts increase constantly and proportionally, the Lord increases his knowledge. Although everything is based on his energy, He is none the less different, or distinct.

“Krishna, God, is the Cause of all causes”.

Such is the perfection of knowledge.

The Supreme Lord, Krishna says:

“I want you to know this: never, in no place, under any circumstances, can we be separated, for I am everywhere present”.

“Nothing is separate from My Person; the entire cosmic manifestation rests in Me, it is not separated from My Person. Before creation, I already existed”.

Krishna is the purest Being and Master of all souls realized as those who are not but who tend to become so.

Lord Krishna says of Him:

“My Appearance, My Disappearance, and My Acts are impossible to describe. Perhaps you know that My full emanation, Anantadeva, has innumerable mouths, and that since time immemorial he has been trying to put into words My Name, My Fame, My Attributes, My Acts, My Apparition, My Disappearance My descents in this world, but




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