Getting To Know God
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place with God. Thus one can understand that the Name, Form, Acts, and Spiritual Attributes of Lord Krishna are not products of material nature.

In spite of all the defects of the incarnated and conditioned soul, if in one way or another it comes into contact with devotional service, it will obtain human form, with a developed consciousness, and thereby will be able to progress more on the path of devotional service. Nevertheless, deluded by external energy, men in their mass do not generally benefit from the advantage offered by the human form. They lose the chance to experience eternal freedom and stupidly disregard the progress they have made after thousands of lives.

Krishna appeared on the surface of this globe to reduce the burden of the world by destroying kings who unnecessarily increase their military strength. He is the refuge of submissive souls, the Sovereign Benefactor of the simple and the humble. Let us take refuge in Him, so that He alone gives us the escape from the labyrinth of material existence.

Of all things, He is the life force, but He remains well beyond material attributes. Almighty, master in the art of creating and strong by nature of a superior knowledge, unlimited, absolute, He can bring back all beings under his influence. So, of all is He the Master. It sometimes appears on the surface of the globe, but it is none the less everywhere present. Desiring to multiply in innumerable forms, He put his eyes on the material energy and it was thus that myriads of living beings were manifested. Everything is created by the play of its higher energy, and everything in its creation enjoys perfect harmony, without any incongruity.

That the Eternal Being can never be annihilated is a reality. But inferior species lead a miserable life when the being engaged in the devotional service of the Supreme Lord knows the happiness of happiness. Wherever they are in one or other of the levels of existence described above, beings are always united to God by an eternal bond. Although the Lord and living beings exist in all circumstances, Lord Krishna, God, lives always and permanently at the level of the existence of bliss, knowledge and eternity when beings, tiny fragments of his Person to Him subordinates, are inclined to fall to a lower level of existence. Although at all levels the Supreme Lord and living beings continue to exist, the Lord remains forever beyond any concept of existence proper to individual souls, whether in slavery or to the liberated soul. The entire cosmic manifestation is created by the grace of the Supreme Lord, it exists by that same grace, and once destroyed, blends again into the existence of the Supreme Lord. Thus, the latter represents the supreme existence, the cause of all causes.

Krishna always enjoys six excellences, eight spiritual attributes, and eight kinds of perfections: no one surpasses Krishna in wealth, power, beauty, renown, knowledge, or renunciation. As for his spiritual Attributes, the first is that the defilement of material existence never touches him.




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