Getting To Know God
Page 152 of 176

of the Lord, each dividing in turn into an infinite number of categories and subcategories.

The inner power of the Lord brings out variety in the transcendental realm of Vaikuṇṭha. In addition to the conditioned souls that we are, there are, in unlimited numbers, liberated beings who enjoy the company of the Supreme Lord under one or other of his innumerable forms. The material universe represents the unfolding of external energy, where conditioned souls have complete freedom to return to God after having left their carnal envelope.

The Supreme Lord is the One Absolute without a second. He is not bound to perform any act, and his senses are not material. No one is superior to Him, nor even equal. He is endowed with varied powers, infinite, with various names, which inhabit him as so many autonomous attributes of his person. From them proceed his knowledge, his power and his perfect entertainment. These are the main manifestations and emanations of the Supreme Lord and his three energies. They all derive their origin and their existence in Krishna, even Transcendence.

All galaxies find refuge in the three Supreme Avatars, but Lord Krishna is Himself the original source of the Supreme Avatars.

Thus, Kṛiṣhṇa, God, the Supreme Person, is the original Lord, the source of all emanations. Kṛiṣhṇa, also called Govinda, is the Supreme Master. He has a spiritual body, eternal, all of happiness. Of all origin, He Himself has no origin, He is the cause of all causes. This same Lord Kṛiṣhṇa, source of all Avatars, appeared in person in the form of Śri Chaitanya Mahāprabhu. Thus, Chari Chaitanya is the Supreme and Absolute Truth. To lend him the name Kṣīrodakaśāyī Viṣṇu adds nothing to his glory.

The Supreme Lord, Krishna said, “I slept, lying on the ocean of milk, when the call of Nādā, of Śri Advaita Prabhu, came to pull Me out of My sleep.”

By this word, the Lord refers to his form of Kṣīrodakaśāyī Viṣhṇou. All Avatars exist in power in the original form of the Supreme Lord. Also, according to the feeling which animates it, each one can name it of the name of one or other of the Avatars. There is nothing contradictory for a saint to designate the Supreme Lord by one or other of the various names that are attached to his plenary emanations, for his original form includes them all. Since all the plenary emanations live in the original person, this one can very well be designated by one of their names.

The Lord says:

“This precise universe (this galaxy, the Milky Way) is only 105,701 light years wide, but there are myriads of others infinitely larger. As certain universes (galaxies) cover billions and billions, even trillions of kilometers, they require Brahmas (first created and demiurge) with more than four heads. And all this represents only a quarter of My creative power. The other three quarters constitute the spiritual realm.”




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