Getting To Know God
Page 133 of 176

The beauty of Krishna is incomparable, no one can surpass it or even match it. The Lord eternally enjoys indescribable beauty, and He is worthy of the worship of the inhabitants of all material and spiritual planets. His youth is eternal, and he is always eager to spread his blessings on his devotees. He is the personified goodness.

Lord Krishna is like a sapphire medallion with green highlights on a gold necklace inlaid with precious stones. When He dances, his body to the beauty of the big clouds, He fascinates. It emanates from its sublime body a pleasant fragrance, which embellishes the atmosphere that the wind carries away.

Krishna is God, the Supreme Person because He is infinitely fascinating, because He alone possesses, in their fullness, six excellences to an infinite and infinite degree. He is “The infinitely fascinating” because he attracts the attention and attention of the multitude by his wonderful attributes, his gentleness, his kindness, his magnanimity and his brilliant smile. His fascination comes from his wealth, his power, his fame, his beauty, his wisdom and his renunciation. That's why He is God, the Supreme and Sovereign Person, infinitely fascinating. He is the greatest of all beings hence the aphorism “God is Great”. No one equals nor is superior to Him. He is the One Supreme Person without a second.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality Person has infinite knowledge at all times. And because his knowledge knows no bounds, his memory is also without measure. Krishna's knowledge is so perfect that He remembers the details of his appearances millions or billions of years ago. Thus, He knows everything, the past, the present and the future of all living things. He is equal towards all beings, considers them all in the same eye and wishes the good of all.

The smiling face of the Lord is a source of enchantment for the whole world. He is always calm, peaceful and quiet, He enchants the eyes and the mind. His smile is such that He charms all beings, saints and demons. From his personal and absolute body, which always draws three curves, springs a dazzling radiance that Krishna removes by his unmotivated grace, so that his devotee see his real transcendent form. Otherwise, by its inner power, it remains veiled to impersonalists, unbelievers and atheists.

In all circumstances He is God and dwells. When He comes to earth, He entertains himself as a human being, but always remains God, the Supreme Person.

Whenever the religious principles of man see a decline, whenever irreligion rises, Krishna appears on earth. In other words, if Krishna appeared 5,000 years ago, then it was necessary to relieve the planet, the universe (the galaxy), of the burden of the guilty acts that had accumulated there.

His goodness, blessings and mercy are limitless.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person always feels compassion for all living beings. He is forever the friend and protector of all submissive souls, and shows them his benevolence.




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