Getting To Know God
Page 122 of 176

It is to revive these five feelings of eternal love: neutrality, servitude, friendship, parental affection and love, that Kṛiṣhṇa Himself, the Absolute Being, descends into this universe. This is how He reveals His transcendental entertainments in Vraja (village of India), so that men can be attracted to this sphere of activity and abandon their material bonds which are only mere imitations. Having fully revealed all these amusements, the Lord then leaves this world.

Kṛiṣhṇa enjoys his absolute entertainment as long as he desires, then disappears. But having left this world, these thoughts come to Him:

“It's been a long time since I gave the world the pure service of love offered to Me. But, deprived of this bond of love, the material world loses all reason for being”.

“Taking these pure devotees with Me, I will descend into the material universe and rejoice in varied and wonderful diversions, unknown even to Vaikuṇṭha (the spiritual planets). I will make known entertainments that marvel Myself”.

The Lord rarely gives the pure service of absolute love. Unless, however, to have for God such love, free from all interested desire as from all empiricist speculation, it remains impossible to reach the perfection of existence.

The Lord says:

“Throughout the universe, beings adore Me according to scriptural codes. But the mere adherence to these regulatory principles is not enough to acquire the feelings of love that animate the devotees of Vrajabhūmi (village of India where Krishna revealed his entertainment).”

After having come to earth 5,000 years ago, Lord Kṛiṣhṇa thought that He had not really made known personal feelings: neutrality, servitude, friendship, parental affection and love, that He exchanges with his devotees on a transcendental plane. One can understand the science of God in the light of the Vedic scriptures, (the original scriptures also called “The true gospel”) and thus become a devotee of the Lord, who will adore him according to the regulatory principles stipulated by these writings; but no one in this way will know how the inhabitants of Vrajabhūmi serve Kṛiṣhṇa. It is indeed impossible, by the mere observance of the rites and the regulating principles set forth in the sacred texts, to conceive the nature of the exchanges in which the Lord engages in Vṛindāvana (village of India). The respect of the scriptural precepts perhaps gives us a better appreciation of the glories of the Lord, but never to come into direct contact with Him. To overemphasize the understanding of the Lord's prestigious glories reduces the possibility of intimate exchanges of love with his person. And it is to unveil the principles that lie at the foundation of such exchanges of love that the Lord decides to appear as Chaitanya.

The settled practice of devotional service inspired by respect and reverence can achieve Vaikuṇṭha, the spiritual world, and obtain the four kinds of liberation.




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