Getting To Know God
Page 121 of 176

All the sages, the Manus or fathers of humanity, the celestial beings and the descendants of Manu, who possess a remarkable power, as well as the Prajapalis, all are plenary emanations or emanations of plenary emanations of the Lord, but Sri Krishna is Himself God, the Supreme Lord in his primordial form. Whenever in some place of the universe demonic beings sow disorder, the Lord appears to protect his devotees.

Krishna, the Supreme Lord, is his own origin and the source of all other Avatars. If we count it all the same among the Avatars, it is because in his infinite mercy, He descended from his spiritual realm (the word avatar literally means “who descends”). All Avatars, including the Lord in its primordial form, descend as well on different planets of the universe as in different living species, in order to fulfill specific missions. The Lord sometimes comes in person, and at other times He delegates his various plenary emanations, or emanations from them, or even his partial emanations, directly or indirectly endowed by Him with powers. By nature, the Lord fully possesses all the excellences - beauty, wealth, fame, power, wisdom, and renunciation - and if it happens that its plenary emanations or their emanations show only a part of them when they appear, is only, understand it well, to meet the requirements of their respective missions. The various Avatars manifest the powers of the Lord only in proportion to the needs created by circumstances. But Sri Krishna, Himself the Lord in his primordial form, manifested all the characteristics of God, proof that He is the source of all other Avatars.

Chaitanya, the Golden Avatar.

Lord Krishna appears as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the Golden Avatar, to spread the most sublime messages, the collective song of the holy names of the Lord, the devotional service offered to his own Person and the love for God.

Whenever Lord Kṛiṣhṇa wishes to appear on earth, He first arouses the advent of his worthy predecessors. Thus before him appear his father, his mother, his spiritual master, and other honorable personalities. Mādhavavendra Purī, Iśvara Purī, Śrīmatī Śacīmātā and Śrīla Jagannātha Miśra all appeared with Sri Advaita, one of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's main companions.

Whenever God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, descends under his human appearance, He is preceded by all his devotees, who hold the roles of his father, his preceptor and his companions. All these characters appear before Him. Thus, before the advent of Lord Kṛiṣhṇa Chaitanya Mahāprabhu appeared Śrī Mādhavavendra Purī, his devotee; Irī Iśvara Purī, his preceptor; Śrīmatī Śacīmātā, his mother; Śrī Jagannātha Miśra, his father; and Sri Advaita.




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