The Way of Liberation, of True Freedom
Page 21 of 102

The Lord explains it in these words: “It is lust alone. Born in contact with passion, then turned into anger, it is the devastating enemy of the world and source of sin”.

Concupiscence is therefore the greatest enemy of the incarnate spiritual being. It is it that keeps the pure soul prisoner of matter.

The Lord warns us in these terms: “Three doors open to this hell (evil beings are plunged into the ocean of material existence under various forms of demonic life): lust, anger and greed. Let every sane man close them, for they lead the soul to its ruin”.

It is the sexual act that is at the origin of the perpetuation of conditioned existence in this material world, that is why God advocates celibacy or continence.

It is for this reason that the great sages renounce family and social life, and choose to live alone, as hermits.

(To learn more about this, open the book “Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God” and click on the 468 logos)

The six enemies of man.

Man has six enemies from which he must absolutely distance himself: anger, lust, greed, insanity, illusion and envy.

These six enemies are at the origin of the loss of the soul. They reduce her to material slavery by constantly forcing her to undergo the harmful influence of the energy of illusion that conditions her existence, forces her to follow wrong paths, inevitably engenders suffering, and forces her to reincarnate indefinitely.

Thus afflicted and conditioned, the incarnate soul that each of us really is, wanders unceasingly in the galaxy going from one planet to another, so that it ends up finding normal to live in this way. She can only be freed from her evil when she meets a genuine spiritual master, a true servant of God, reads her books, follows her instructions and implements them.

We must all live according to the teaching of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

We must all practice spiritual vegetarianism, which prohibits eating meat, fish and eggs.

The meal consecrated and first offered to God immunizes us against material filth.

During an outbreak, people are vaccinated against the microbe. In the same way, when one takes food first offered to Lord Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, one can resist all attacks of material energy. We call the devotee of the Lord who always acts in this way. In this way, the Krishna conscious being, who eats only food offered to God, can erase all the consequences of his bad relationship with matter and open the way to spiritual realization.

On the other hand, those who do not continue to increase the volume of their sinful acts and sins. They thus prepare another body, such as that of a dog or a pig, in which they will have to suffer the consequences of their sins. The material energy is the source, and therefore the source of all contamination, but the one who is immune to the food offered to Krishna escapes his attacks. All others are victims, without recourse.




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