The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
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All those who enter the kingdom of God never return to the material universe.

All those who benefit from the grace of the Lord and who can thus enter his spiritual, infinite and absolute kingdom, will never return to the material universe.

The Lord makes this promise, in order to reassure pure souls: When they have reached Me, the spiritualists imbued with devotion, these great souls, these noble souls, never again return to this transitory world where suffering reigns.

Only the soul purified of all material stains can reach perfection, and live in the company of the Supreme Person an existence of perfect bliss and joy, and thus regain its original state. Anyone who can regain such devotional perfection never feels more attraction to the material universe, and never returns to it.

When souls conditioned by matter in the material universe are emancipated through the practice of devotional service, they are then promoted to the spiritual planets. The number of forever liberated souls who live in the spiritual world far exceeds the number of souls who undergo the conditioning of the material universe, and these liberated souls never wish to stay in this sad universe.

In truth, because the pure soul benefits from the company of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, the All Perfect, it knows perfect peace and satisfaction. To access God’s love, it is necessary to be perfectly free from all other aspiration. We reach the level of love for God through pure devotional service, learning to work with love for the object of his love, for the Supreme Person.

Verily, who loves Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, also loves all living beings; all human beings whatever they are, all terrestrial animals, crawling, flying, aquatic, and all plants in all their diversities. He or she who wishes to reach the level of love for God must abandon all desire for material enjoyment and refrain from offering worship to celestial beings, to devote himself to the exclusive worship of the Supreme Lord. The pure being only wishes to offer the Lord a favorable service, without expecting anything in return, this is true love for God.

This is how to work in God's consciousness.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Wish and desire for others what you wish and desire for yourself.

These thoughts sum up the ideal behavior that human beings should have towards all their fellow human beings, whoever they may be.

It means loving all human beings unconditionally, without reservation or ulterior motive. But it also means recognizing that all beings, human, animal and vegetable, as souls incarnated in specific material bodies, have the same rights as we do. It means seeing our neighbor, whoever he or she may be, as a brother, a sister, a being as free as we are.

It means loving all living beings; all human beings without exception, all land, crawling, flying and aquatic animals and all plants in all their diversity with equal love, because it means recognizing that God has also given them a place on earth, which they occupy alongside us. It means recognizing that the land we possess on earth also belongs to them, because God has made the whole earth, which is his only true property, available to all living beings without exception.

It means finding it normal to share, desire and wish for everything with others. It means wanting to live happily, in harmony and peace with everyone, under the authority and reign of God. Developing an awareness of God enables us to see all living beings with the same, equal eyes.




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