The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 61 of 150

Cycle of evolution of species, or journey of the soul through species.

It is written in the Vedas, the original holy scriptures, that aquatic beings are inferior to plants. Beings incarnate in various material bodies, but all these envelopes of dense matter are foreign to them. According to the form of enjoyment they covet and the cycle of evolution of the species, they transmigrate (reincarnate) from one body to another, passing from aquatic forms to vegetable forms, from vegetable forms to those of the insect, then to those of reptiles, from reptiles to birds, from birds to terrestrial mammals, to finally obtain the human form.

We see that there are many forms of life, but where did they come from. The many fish, trees and other plants, various insects, reptiles, dogs and cats, where do they all come from?

There is certainly an evolution of species, but all the various life forms exist simultaneously.

The fish, the human being, the tiger and all other beings appeared at the same time during creation, and were simultaneously injected by the Lord into the bodies they had in their previous existence. The incarnate being according to his karma, can occupy one of these bodies, and all follow an evolutionary path.

So after the fish, the next step will be plant life. From there, the spiritual being can become an insect. From the stage of the insect, it will move to that of the bird, then to that of the terrestrial mammal, to finally evolve to the human form.

If the individual soul, distinct from God, which each of us truly is, proves worthy of its human condition, it will be able to continue its evolution. Otherwise, it will have to enter the evolutionary cycle again. The human form thus marks an important step in the evolution of the incarnate being.

To put an end to this infernal cycle, we who are fortunate enough to occupy human form, by the grace of God, show ourselves worthy, and turn to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. Let us abandon ourselves to Him and serve Him with love and devotion, and the Supreme Lord will send his companions from his kingdom to come and seek us and lead us to Him forever.

The Lord says, “It is only through devotional service, and only thus, that one can know Me as I am. And the being who through such devotion becomes fully conscious of My Person, can then enter My absolute realm, and likewise, verily, see Me. Thus, and only thus, will it be possible to pierce the mystery of My Person”.




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