The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 59 of 150

All those who kill animals, make them suffer unnecessarily and eat their flesh, as is the practice in slaughterhouses, fish and aquaculture centers, and in the open sea by sailors, will be similarly killed in their next life and in many future lives. There is no forgiveness for such an offense. He who kills thousands of animals by profession so that people can buy the flesh and eat it must expect to be killed himself in a similar way in his next life and in many other lives.

Killing animals will not only deprive us of human form in our next life, but will force us to put on an animal’s body and be killed by the same kind of animal that we killed. These are the divine laws.

It is criminal to kill human beings, but also terrestrial and aquatic animals.

In truth, the soul incarnated in an animal body transmigrates, reincarnates from one species to another, follows a precise evolution, and progresses on the spiritual level in the same way as that which is incarnated in a human body. A slaughtered animal sees its progress slowed down. Indeed, before rising to the superior animal species, he will have to return to the species he prematurely left to complete the period of time provided for him. We must therefore not prevent the spiritual evolution of a soul, especially if it is in an animal body, for the sole satisfaction of its taste buds.

To all those who don't know, know that there is a correlation between war, karma or action-reaction law, law of cause and effect, epidemics, and the slaughter of animals in the thousands of industrial slaughterhouses that exist. throughout the world, the slaughter of thousands of aquatic animals by trawlers and death factories that sail at sea, and fish and aquaculture ponds, which dot the entire earth.

The Supreme Lord strongly condemns the existence of these centers of death. Know that if the human being does not obey God and does not stop aborting, and eating meat, fish and eggs, there will be future calamities, such as world wars, severe epidemics that will block everything, famines… , which will fall by the karma accumulated by the animal holocaust on societies, peoples, nations, which support such abominable, unforgivable activities in the eyes of God.

Every created being is the son of the Supreme Lord, who does not tolerate even the murder of an ant. For such an act, by the law of the Lord, we must pay the price. Also, indulging in the killing of animals for the sake of language is the most gross form of ignorance. Man has no need to kill animals to feed himself, for God gives him for this purpose all kinds of delicious food. He who, in spite of this, persists in eating meat, fish and eggs, acts under the influence of ignorance, the pleasure of the senses and prepares for a darker future.

In truth, everyone who kills and eats the flesh of animals will go to Maharaurava, a hellish planet located in hell. Will go to this hell, all those who participate in the killing of terrestrial and aquatic animals, namely; the breeders who take their animals to the slaughterhouse, the sacrificial workmen of the slaughterhouses, the butchers who cut up the carcasses of animals and sell them, the fishing sailors who pull them out of the water and kill them by asphyxiation, the fishmongers who sell their flesh, and the carnivorous humans who consume them.

If the mass of people want to be saved from these chain reactions of killing life after life, they must devote themselves right now to developing the consciousness of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, and stopping all sinful activity.

When the nation is governed by the principles mentioned above, then the consciousness of God naturally spreads everywhere, for the benefit of all living beings, humans, animals and plants.




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