The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 26 of 150

It is strictly forbidden to kill a wise scholar, a cow, a woman, a child or an old man.

In the glorious days which preceded the advent of the present age, of strife, strife, hypocrisy, indifference and sin, the learned sages, cows, women, children and old people were all duly protected, and society as a whole derived great benefits from it.

The protection of learned sages assures the maintenance of the organization of the nation, the institution par excellence, since it offers the experimentally surest method of raising all the members of society on the plane of spiritual life, to the perfection of existence.

The protection of the cow ensures an abundance of the most miraculous of all foods, milk, which refines the subtle tissues of the brain, and thus enables one to know the higher values of existence.

The protection of women preserves their chastity and, by extension, the moral purity of society as a whole. Thus can be conceived men of exemplary nature, capable of maintaining society in a state of peace, tranquility and progress.

The protection of the child allows every being who has obtained the human form the best opportunity to take the path that will free him from the chains of matter. The child must be protected from the moment of conception, by the accomplishment of a purifying rite, which marks the beginning of a pure existence.

Protecting the elderly gives them the opportunity to prepare for a better life after death.

This system of protection, which covers the whole of society, is based on the traits that distinguish a civilization of accomplished men from that of animal men, even refined. It is strictly forbidden to kill a wise scholar, a cow, a woman, a child or an old man. Moreover, the slightest offence against them has the effect of shortening the existence of those who are guilty of it.

In the present age, these principles are hardly observed, hence the considerable suffering that human beings undergo. From the moment when women, for not having been protected, corrupt themselves, an undesirable offspring is born. On the other hand, the one who offends a chaste woman will see unhappiness fall on him, in the form of a reduction in the duration of his life.

These are some examples of the intransigent laws of the Lord.




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