The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
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Killing terrestrial and aquatic animals will not only deprive us of human form in our next life, but will force us to put on an animal’s body and be killed by the same kind of animal that we killed. These are the laws of nature.

I once witnessed the killing of a pigeon by a crow. A second crow attended the scene in silence, ready to intervene if necessary it seems. I was both shocked and surprised by what I saw, because here sparrows, pigeons and crows rub shoulders, often eat together, and brush against each other without any problem.

It was then that, under divine inspiration, I understood that the soul of the pigeon was currently suffering the consequences of its sinful acts committed in its previous life, where, incarnated in a human body, it had killed crows. She was then subjected to the sanction of karmic justice.

Indeed, in her past life she had killed many crows, and karmic justice had condemned her to reincarnate in a pigeon's body, and to be killed in her turn by the crows that she herself had killed. Such are the laws of nature.

If human beings want to be saved from these chain reactions of killing life after life, they must devote themselves now to developing Krishna consciousness, God consciousness, and stopping all sinful activities.

It is imperative to respect and apply the regulatory principles enacted by God, which prohibits illicit sexual intercourse, outside marriage, eating meat, fish and eggs, taking drugs and stimulants such as coffee, tea, alcohol and cigarettes, gambling and gambling, aborting, and extracting fossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal, which are critical to the stability of the planet and the climate. Putting an end to these sinful acts allows us to know God, so let us immediately stop committing these sins.




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