The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 129 of 150

The Lord says: “Breaking his attachments, the spiritualist acts with his body, his mind, his intelligence and even his senses, for one purpose only: to purify himself. Unlike the one who, without union with the Divine, covets the fruits of his labor and thus gets bogged down in matter, the soul established in devotion finds, by offering to Me the results of all his acts, an unmixed peace.”

The Blessed Lord says: “Abandoning the fruits of every act is what the sages mean by this word, 'renunciation'. And what the great scholars call 'renunciation' is the very state of the man who practices this renunciation. Man can taste the fruits of renunciation through simple self-control, detachment from worldly things and disinterest in material pleasures. This is the highest perfection of renunciation.”

The Lord says: “When you thus know the truth, you will understand that all beings are an integral part of Me, that they live in Me, and belong to Me. Beings in the world of conditions (the material universe) are eternal fragments of My Person.”

We are, in truth, tiny fragments of Krishna, God, integral parts of his Divine Person. Our true spiritual nature leads us, out of duty to the Lord, to serve him with love and devotion. This devotional service, by nature spiritual, offered to God and expressed with love, brings infinite joy.

This is why we must offer to the Supreme Lord, Krishna, the fruit of all our acts, link all our projects to his, give him everything we do, as well as our existence and even our life. Let us act for the sole purpose of pleasing Him. We are, in truth, his eternal servants and servants. A bond of love binds us to Him, and we can never be separated from Him.

Man must get rid of the self-interested action: this is the instruction of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. But he must nevertheless retain the action that leads to higher spiritual knowledge. The revealed writings prescribe many methods to accomplish the sacrifice according to the particular results one desires: to have a worthy son, to ascend to the heavenly planets, etc., but any sacrifice whose purpose is to satisfy some personal desire must be rejected. However, the sacrifice made to purify the heart, or for progress in spiritual science, must not be abandoned.

True renunciation is that by which we always look upon ourselves as an integral part of the Supreme Lord, knowing that we have no right to enjoy the fruits of our actions. Since we ourselves are only souls or spiritual sparks, minute fragments of the Divine Person, Krishna, integral parts of the Lord, it is to Him that the enjoyment of the fruits of our deeds should accrue. This is truly Krishna consciousness or God consciousness. He who acts in Krishna consciousness is the true renunciate. Performing his acts in such a spirit, he experiences satisfaction, for he is truly acting for the Supreme Being. He thus becomes unattached to anything material; he becomes accustomed to finding pleasure in nothing but the spiritual bliss given by devotional service. The renunciate is held to be free from the consequences of his past acts; but the one established in Krishna consciousness naturally attains this perfection, without even having to embrace the order of renunciation. This state of mind of the renunciate man is called the perfection of union or communion with God. He who finds satisfaction in himself in this way does not fear any consequences of his actions.




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