Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 622 of 624

One who puts his words, body, mind and intellect at the service of the Lord, in Krishna consciousness, is perfectly liberated in this world, even if his actions seem material.

He is free from the false ego (the force that binds the incarnate being to material existence and that pushes him to identify himself with his body and to want to dominate matter), and he does not identify himself with his body, nor does he believe himself to be its owner. He knows perfectly well that he and his body belong to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. Using all that he possesses (words, body, mind, intelligence, life, various possessions, etc.) in the service of Krishna, he immediately unites with Him.

Such is the perfection of Krishna consciousness.

All those who love God must re-establish and renew a covenant with him.

God says to this effect: Know that the Lord your God is God. This faithful God keeps his covenant and his goodness to the thousandth generation to those who love him and keep his commandments.

The goodness of the Lord endures from everlasting to everlasting for those who fear Him, and His righteousness endures for their children's children, for those who keep His covenant and remember His commandments to do them.

Now if you will listen to My voice and keep My covenant, you will belong to Me personally among the peoples, for all the earth is Mine.

The covenant that God makes with mankind is a union or agreement between the Lord and all those who love Him, do His will, surrender to Him, serve Him with love and devotion and put into practice His word, His teaching, His precepts, His regulating principles and His commandments.

This covenant is made and accepted by all men who believe in God, who want to walk beside Him, obey Him and take pleasure in pleasing Him.

It is binding on the one who abides by the particular ritual and societal practices established by the Lord, which aim at keeping the human being pure and in his or her position as an eternal servant of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

With this sublime knowledge, let us all return to the natural, original, eternal, prestigious and glorious position of eternal servants that we had with Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, in the beginning of all things, and serve Him with love and devotion.




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