Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 497 of 624

Logos 464

Goto table of logos

No one can approach God if he does not purify himself first of all the consequences of his faults, of his sins.

Only he who evolving at the level of pure virtue can approach God, know him as he really is, and serve him with love and devotion. Krishna is God, the Supreme Spiritual Being, the Ultimate Abode, the Sovereign Purifier.

All living beings are beings of a spiritual nature, but Krishna is He, God, the Supreme Being. He is also the ultimate abode of all things and the purest of all purities.

To approach him one must be perfectly pure, and for this purpose morality and ethics are required.

This is why God says: Be holy, as I am holy.

This is also why it is forbidden to have illicit sex, outside marriage, to eat meat, fish and eggs, to consume drugs and intoxicants such as alcohol, tobacco, coffee and tea, and to indulge in gambling or currency speculation.

Who knows how to avoid these four pillars of sin can remain pure. Krishna consciousness is based on this morality. Anyone who cannot follow the regulatory principles cited above will fall from the spiritual plane.

Purity is the fundamental principle of divine consciousness. It is essential to the reestablishment of our eternal relationship with God.




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