Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
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and join him without delay, and from now on, through our Krishna consciousness or God consciousness, put him in our mind, constantly think of Him.

It should not be forgotten, however, that the real goal of existence consists above all in knowing God as He really is, in renewing the bond of love that unites us to Him, in obeying Him and in doing his only will, to unite our desires and our interests to his, to serve him with love and devotion, and finally to return to his absolute kingdom, all of knowledge, bliss and eternity.

This is true liberation, true freedom, and the perfection of existence.

Those who constantly think of the Lord and who always have their minds turned towards Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, immediately join the kingdom of God after leaving their material body at the time of death.

The Lord said: Whoever, at the hour of death leaves his body remembering Me alone, immediately attains My kingdom, do not doubt it.

The original condition of the soul is eternity, perfect knowledge, unadulterated joy and constant bliss

It is only when the soul becomes involved in the modes of action material that it becomes miserable, the prey of ignorance and time. These evils have no other source than the accomplishment of wrongdoing.

Turning to God allows us to regain our original condition, and to enter into true life.

Lord Krishna, God, the Supreme Person says:

There is really nothing that exists outside of Me, that is what you must clearly understand.

Free from all ties, free from fear and anger, completely absorbed in Me and seeking refuge in Me, many became purified as they came to know Me, and thus all came to pure love for Me.

The action should be offered as a sacrifice to the Supreme Being, lest it bind its author to the material world. Also, fulfill your duty [to serve Lord Krishna] in order to please Him, and forever you will be free from the chains of matter.

I want you to know this, never, in any place, under any circumstance, we do not can be separated, for I am everywhere present.

Nothing is separated from My Person. The entire cosmic manifestation rests in Me, it is not separate from My Person. Before creation, I already existed

I am the source of all that Is, the original cause of all causes.

I know everything, but no one knows Me.




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