Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 441 of 624

The consumption and for some the overconsumption of meat, particularly red meat, increases the risk of certain diseases (such as colon cancer, cardiovascular diseases, obesity or type diabetes. 2). The links between the consumption of red meat and these chronic diseases were provided by ANSES (National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety) in its latest report.

WHO has officially classified red meat among the probable carcinogens in humans, and processed meats (cold meats, nuggets, corned beef, cordon bleu, etc.) among certain carcinogens in humans.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (Circ) agrees, stating that excessive consumption of red meat [beef, veal, pork, goat, lamb], and cold cuts [sausages, cured ham, bacon, etc.], increases the risk of colorectal cancer. In question the heme iron they contain, which would encourage the peroxidation of lipids, leading to the formation of aldehyde, a compound harmful to DNA and cells.

On the other hand, nitrites, an additive which gives ham its pink color, would lead to the formation of N-nitroso compounds [nitrosamines or nitrosamides], which are carcinogenic.

In addition, saturated fats in meat also tend to clog arteries and promote disease cardiovascular.

God put in plants all the donation we need.

God put in plants nutritional elements allowing optimum optimization of the various material bodies, humans and animals. Also, why eat meat, when vegetables offer much more, and keep the various material bodies in perfect health?

It is evil and criminal beings, who say that meat is good for the body, because it brings protein and iron. But they won't tell you that plants provide much more, and don't make you sick.

For example, you will find below a non-exhaustive list of foods rich in protein and iron.

Foods rich in protein: Quinoa (contains more than meat), almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, soybeans, peanuts, lentils, chickpeas, barley, green beans, white beans, kidney beans, corn, milk, oatmeal, sesame

Foods rich in iron: Quinoa, lentil, white bean, red bean, spinach, tofu, sesame, soybean, olive, cocoa powder, cooked pistachio, almond, cashew nuts, oatmeal, hazelnut, dry date, wheat bran, dark chocolate, cumin, chicory.

Also, knowing now that plants are much better for health, we no longer eat meat, fish and eggs.




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