Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 440 of 624

Because the Holy Name of the Lord is no different from Himself, Krishna and his inner power dance on the tongue of the holy being when he chants Hare Krishna. The Lord directly accepts the food offered to Him by his devotee, and the holy being, by eating the reliefs of this offering, becomes Krishnaised, purified.

Ne let's drink nothing [water, syrup, lemonade, fruit juice, milk, creamy yogurt, etc., but especially no alcohol], don't eat anything [whole grains, legumes, oilseeds, fruits, vegetable creams, cheese, etc. but above all no meat, fish and egg], without first offering it to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. Let us also offer to Him all our acts, our day, our existence, our life, in short all that we do and have, so we will live constantly in purity.

Let us obey God, do his only will, and apply his laws and commandments. But if we want to live in holiness, let us apply to the letter the regulating principles of the Supreme Lord, the content of which is as follows:

You will not eat meat, fish or eggs

You will not have sex outside marriage.

You will not take any drugs, nor any exciting or intoxicating product, such as alcohol, cigarettes, coffee and tea.

You will not play any gambling.

Our existence will therefore be a success, because anchored in purity.

The consumption of animal flesh causes disease.

Eating meat, fish and eggs does not only harm land animals and aquatic, but also does a lot of harm to all those who consume their flesh, or their corpses as Jesus said. Consuming animal flesh involves a risk to human health, including serious consequences for the digestive system and the increased risk of contracting a fatal disease.

At the present time, with a succession of medical and scientific discoveries more striking than the others, it is now proven that the consumption of animal flesh causes many diseases. In a very large majority of people, not to say three quarters, the viscera become blocked and teeth break.

A study carried out by scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health recalls that eating too much meat, especially red meat, cold cuts and other processed meats, is associated with a risk of mortality and major chronic diseases, especially coronary heart disease.

By monitoring the health of 43,000 men over 30 years, l study also shows that replacing red meat even once a day with quality vegetables [whole grains, legumes, nuts] reduces the risk of heart disease.




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