Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 419 of 624

He is unaware that his thoughts, words and actions lead to good or bad consequences.

He does not know that if he does not listen to God and do what He says, he will inexorably sink into matter, become a slave to it, and subject to the darkness of ignorance, he will not will never see God again.

In truth, the human being indulges in sin, because he ignores the acts which he committed in his past life, acts which have earned him his present condition of existence in a specific material body exposed to various sufferings.

Because of his sins, the guilty acts committed in his previous life, he is currently undergoing the resulting sufferings. It must be understood that a person deprived of true spiritual knowledge constantly acts in ignorance of what he may have done in the past, what he is doing now, and how he will suffer in the future. It is plunged into darkness or blindness as Jesus said.

According to its relation with the attributes and modes of influence of material nature; virtue, passion and ignorance, the embodied spiritual being obtains a particular type of body. In any case, it is according to the judgment of God, in his form of Supreme Soul also called Holy Spirit, that we receive a body of an inferior nature, vegetable or animal, even superior, celestial being or human being.

Anyone who is plunged into oblivion, total darkness, cannot know what his past life was or what his next existence will be. He is only interested in his current body. Even if he has a human form, one who is influenced by ignorance and who is concerned only with his material body, is hardly better than an animal.

The human being must be educated so that he understands what was his past life and how he can improve his future condition. Whoever is only interested in his current body and who seeks to benefit from his senses as much as possible, thus reveals that he is overwhelmed by the influence of ignorance, his future will be bleak. Indeed, the future is always bleak for those who fall prey to gross ignorance. Especially in this age, society is under the influence of ignorance so that everyone considers their present body to be the only thing that matters, regardless of the past or the future.

Whoever abandons himself to God and serves him with love and devotion, will end the cycle of repeated rebirths and deaths, and see his suffering end. He or she will then enter the kingdom of God and never come out again, for eternity.

Definition of one who is dead, but who nevertheless still breathes.

Anyone who is not brought by his or her acts to turn to religion, which is not led by its ritual religious practices to choose renunciation of material nature, or whose renunciation does not lead to the devotional service offered to the Supreme Lord, and which launches out of unrestrained in the passion of the pleasures of the senses, must be held dead, even if she breathes.




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