Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 417 of 624

râksasa [a mighty ghost. When a wise scholar becomes a ghost, he becomes a brâhma-râksasa].

If a man steals out of greed precious stones, pearls, coral, or jewelry of various kinds, he is reborn among the goldsmiths, or in the body of the bird called hémakâra.

The science of God teaches.

Men who are part of the race of thieves and plunderers, receive part of the forest. Just as animals are given territories in forests and mountains, so animal-like men are also destined to live in such places.

Materialists who remain attached to their privileged positions until death and who never wish to leave the charms of the home, even in dreams, remain prisoners of such dreams. They can't help but work out a thousand plans to make their lives even more comfortable, but suddenly death comes, cruel and ruthless. Whether he likes it or not, they will be forced to give up their body to put on another, which they will be forced to accept. According to the acts they will have accomplished in their present life, they will be forced to take a body among the 8,400,000 living species. Usually, those who are too attached to the sweetness of the home are forced to be reborn among the lowest species because of the sinful acts that have accompanied a long life devoted entirely to sin. Thus they are wasting all the energy given to them by the human form.

There are many so-called believers who believe they are aware of Krishna, of God, the Supreme Person, and who imagine themselves serving him, when they are not do not accept it from the bottom of their hearts as Absolute Truth.

These will never taste the fruit of devotional service, which is the return to God. As for those who indulge in acts of virtue, but in an interested way and who hope to one day free themselves from the chains of matter, they too never know success, because they denigrate God, the Supreme Person, Lord Krishna. In fact, only an atheist or demonic being can mock Krishna, and such disbelievers never surrender to Him. The intellectual speculations they develop to attain Absolute Truth lead them to the false conclusion that nothing distinguishes Krishna from ordinary people. Thus lost, they imagine that as soon as they are freed from the material energy with which they are now covered, in the form of the material body, nothing will distinguish them from God. A pure illusion, of course, of believing that one can thus manage to become only One with Krishna.

In truth, the search by such disbelievers for spiritual knowledge always turns out to be futile and futile, and their study of the sacred writings ends in failure. It is a grave offense to take Krishna, God, the Supreme Person for an ordinary man, and one who commits such a mistake must be under the influence of delusion, for he does not know the eternal form of the Lord. It is clearly established that whoever takes Krishna's body for material, while it is purely spiritual and absolute, must be expelled




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