Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 409 of 624

one's intimate relationship with the Lord is the supreme goal of human life. Consciousness of God is the art of spiritualizing material activity, of increasing the degree of spiritual realization of the person who accomplishes it, of knowing the universality of God, and the relationship that unites us to Him.

Happy are those who are fortunate enough to die thinking of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, for they will obtain an eternal body like that of the Lord and will join the Sovereign Person in his eternal abode.

We must preserve life, not destroy it, and ensure that it is so for each of us.

All this can be avoided, however, if one remains on the spiritual plane of Krishna consciousness, God, the Supreme Person, and with a firm resolution never to interrupt a life.

Better yet, let us all decide to obey God, to respect and apply his precepts, his commandments, his regulatory principles, follow his advice and directives to the letter, and never abort, because all life is sacred and precious.

Logos 436

Goto table of logos

The spiritual world is the real home of the embodied spiritual beings that we all are. At the origin of all things, we all lived there with God.

This eternal spiritual world is called Vaikuntha, and in Sanskrit this term means the world without anxiety. Everything is radiant and filled with consciousness, bliss, knowledge and eternity.

The dimension of Vaikuntha, the spiritual world is inconceivable, because in reality it is unlimited. The material world itself seems to us to have an unimaginable dimension knowing that what we perceive in this material cosmos is only part of the closed material universe in which we find ourselves and that it contains an inconceivable number of galaxies, all created by God on the same model as ours, the Milky Way. However compared to Vaikuntha, the material cosmos occupies only a quarter of the total creation of God, while the spiritual world occupies the other three quarters. The material cosmos which is the distorted reflection of the spiritual world is in reality akin to a cloud, which floats in the spiritual sky of all of God's creation.

No one can enter the spiritual world in order to serve the Lord at within its surroundings without being established in its pure spiritual identity, entirely free from all material stain.

In truth, an incarnate soul defiled by matter will transmigrate, will reincarnate into another body of matter because of its material consciousness, this is the hardware. Inhabited by material thoughts at the hour of her death, she was transferred by the




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