Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 408 of 624

It is time for human beings to regain their sanity and to know all the risks they run in forcing abortion on those who practice it, on those who have it. ask or want it, and to those who force women to have an abortion.

The Lord said: These are born again life after life within the demonic species, never can approach Me. Gradually they sink into the most sinister condition of existence.

Abortion is an abominable crime, because it interrupts the existence of a spiritual soul who simply wants to progress on the plane of true spirituality., causing the latter a terrible suffering.

The man and the woman involved in this sin become responsible for it, so much so that they will have to suffer the same fate in their next existence. They too will have to enter a mother's womb and be killed in the same way. If unfortunately for them they have practiced it several times, they will have to pass from the womb of a mother to the womb of another mother in proportion to the number of abortions committed, without being able to see the light of day and suffer each time.

Each of us says this is my body, but the truth is quite different. Our material body has been bestowed upon us by the supreme owner, God.

Certainly, the embodied spiritual being also knows the body in which he resides, but he is not the sole owner, the true and rightful owner of the material body is none other than the Supreme Lord. God grants all spiritual entities who incarnate in this world a particular body in relation to their past desires and mentality, so that they can enjoy life here below, but the sole and true owner of this body is God, the Supreme Person. He is the original source of all that exists, the seed at the origin of all existence.

It is therefore indecent that a woman dares to dispose of the body of the baby which develops in her womb without the agreement of this last, whereas in this case it is an individual being distinct from it. If she has the right to do with her body what she wants, in no case should she dispose of this distinct individual being against her own will. The developing body in her womb does not belong to this mother, so ending her existence is an abominable crime, an unforgivable fault, which will be severely punished.

Life is for spiritual realization and the restoration of our forgotten relationship with God.

The human form granted to the spiritual entity which incarnates therein is especially intended for the unfolding of Krishna consciousness, the consciousness of God, for this divine consciousness will allow us to regain our Eternal original spiritual body of bliss and knowledge.

The purpose of Krishna consciousness, the consciousness of God is to give us a body of the same nature as that of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person Himself. Knowing




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